Category: Christian Liberty Press , Curriculum , D.C. , Educational Videos , History , Washington , What We Did Today
Today we read two chapters from American Pioneers and Patriots published by Christian Liberty Press. I think almost anything by CLP is excellent. We have used several of their books for history and science readers. These history books also have some fun hands-on acitivites and questions which conclude each chapter. It's written at about a 3rd or 4th grade level, and is written in narrative form making it very easy and fun to listen to. The children have loved it. Even though it's been many weeks since we have needed this book, they still remember the stories.
Today the chapter was on when George Washington became President. We also read a special section on the use of the fireplace, and how important it was in early homes.
To add to our historical study we watched Washington, D. C. put out by 100% Educational Videos. This is one video in a collection called Our United States. A young student and her mother narrarate the video. I found it at our local library and highly recommend it.
One of the things I learned is that the original White House burned to the ground during the 1812 War. I do not recall learning that, but I have learned it now. One of the reasons I love teaching!
Also: Lessons 106 & 107/Horizons Math, LLATL, Calculadder
Daniel: Explode the Code book 2, Calculadder, Spelling, HW
This afternoon: soccer league
I love that book! I've read it twice-years ago I read it to my older kids, then a couple years later to my younger kids.
I love the tone of their books. So respectful of History....just the way I want my children to learn. Blessings!